The Hub

What's happening at Green Hill

Green Hill Church is making extra room for you and your family with Worship and LifeGroups each hour. Each Sunday morning, you can worship at 9:00 am or 10:30 am. In addition, we have a place for everyone to connect with others through LifeGroups offered at various times.

We believe every person and every generation matters. You will find Green Hill Church is a place you can discover a meaningful relationship with God, experience a joy-filled family environment, and invest your life in others and our community. YOU BELONG HERE.

click image to register

All In Leader Training is Sunday, July 28th, 5-7 pm. If you serve here at GHC, then you want to sign up for this night. Food is provided so we need a head count. Register today by clicking the image above and choosing your ministry area.

On Sunday, August 4th, we celebrate Kickoff Sunday where LifeGroups are meeting on campus again, and all children and students will advance to the next grade or age group for their respective classes.

click the image to register for this Men's event
Click the image to register

Learn more about the heart of green hill church