
Growing together through Bible studies and prayer on Wednesday nights

MidWeek Meal Served 5:00-5:45 pm

Cost $7 per person, $25 family max.

Kids 6:15 pm

We have Grow classes for our kids ministry! Our kids start off in small groups learning their lesson for that night, where it is taught on a level that they can comprehend and understand. They then come together as a large group and have a discussion time at the end of the hour.

Students 6:00 pm

See our Student Ministry page for the MidWeek schedule for middle and high school

Adults 6:15 pm

Dive deep in our Grow classes on Wednesday nights at MidWeek. For adults we offer several different class options at 6-8 weeks in length on topics such as marriage, theology, missions, and expository studies as well. See the list below for this quarter's classes.

new adult grow classes starting january 8, 2025:

Co-Ed Study: The Book of Job – study by Francis Chan, led by Gary Bourgeois

No cost for this class. Free study guide included.

Co-Ed Study: Who’s Your One Evangelism Class – led by David Taft

No cost for this class.

Women’s Study: Ephesians: A Study of Faith & Practice – study by Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, Melissa Kruger, led by Sara Dyer

Cost $10 for study book (video access included with book)

Men’s Study: Iron Hill Press / Be Disciples – Study by Rick Burgess, led by Chris Harlin & James Quant.

No cost for this class

PLEASE REGISTER below for a class so we may plan well for space and materials.